混凝土声屏障模具-声屏障模具有利推动我厂模具水平提升。我厂所生产的声屏障模具全部选用优等钢材原料加上先进技术焊接而成,该模具与橡胶模具配合使用。产品尺寸精准、平衡度好、坚固耐用、光滑度高、脱模简单,我厂所制作的混凝土声屏障模具都经过实验合格以后才提供给客户,保证复合国家合格标准水平。The concrete acoustic barrier mould-acoustic barrier mould has the advantage of promoting the improvement of the mould level in our factory. The acoustic barrier molds produced by our factory are all made of excellent steel raw materials plus advanced technology welding. The molds are used in conjunction with rubber molds. The product size is accurate, the balance degree is good, strong and durable, the smoothness is high, demoulding is simple, the concrete sound barrier mould that my factory makes is qualified after the experiment is provided to the customer, guarantees the composite country to pass the standard level.