业主自住房送大露台 上下双层LOFT外国人可购买
业主直售通州社区祥和乐园的一处住房,此房为loft复式结构并有一露台,此房为小区的经典户型且处于核心位置,南北通透凉爽且阳光充足,在6/6层,上下两层总面积为95平,三室两厅两卫,其中楼上有两卧室和一小型精致的洗手间及储物间。此房屋装修材料、家具和光源都是采用环保材料,设计风格为北欧风情,非常惬意有品位,适合小资小调的生活方式,全套崭新的家具家电一应俱全,拎包即可入住。明亮的厨房外面还有一个居家生活便利的烧烤露台,可以种植花花草草,足不出户即可享受外面的世界。楼下停车位充足,摄像头监控无死角,小区24小时保安巡逻,私密安全。小区紧邻通州市政府全力打造的环球国际影视城及地铁7号线规划线,京哈高速在此有出入口,开车仅需30分钟即可到达国贸,而且路况十分顺畅。期待您既拥有它并能更好的经营这个温馨的家。本房屋出售价格为86万。取暖和物业只收单层面积,费用很经济。此房不限购小产权有房本,任何人均可购买,拥有使用权和继承权,外籍人士也可以购买,只要入境手续合法即可。此房为二手房,税费低于其它房源。:155 0126 7035 李先生。以下照片为房屋真实照片。谢绝各类推销。
Apartmen for sale in TongZhou
(Owner sale) This house is located in Tongzhou gold area( xianghe paradise). It's a loft penthouse with a patio. This house is the classic house style and in the core position, cool and east-faced. It's on the 6th floor (totally 6 floors), and the total area, loft, is 95 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 1 dining room, 1 living room, and 2 bathrooms. There are 2 bedrooms, 1 small delicate bathroom and 1 stock room upstairs. Environmently-friendly material are used for the decoration, furniture and sunshine. With north European design style and good taste, it's quite suitable for people of middle class. The set of furniture are all new, so you can just move in anytime. Outside the kitchen, there is a large barbecue patio. You can plant flowers or invite your friends for meals. There is enough parking space downstairs. Cameras are set in every corner and guards are there 24/7. It's quite safe. This neighborhood is next to the under construction subway line 7 and the global international movie theatre, which is planned by the government. Additionally, there is an exit and entry to the Jing Ha highway. It only takes 30 minutes to Guomao by car under good traffic. Also there are lots of buses to the city center. I sincerely hope you can own this warm house and protect it. This house, with the unlimited purchasing, has the permanent owner right and heir right. Foreigners can buy it only with legal documents such as a current visa. The price is RMB 86 million.If you are interested,please call me,Contact number:155 0126 7035 Mr. Li. These following pictures are taken from the house.
Apartmen for sale in TongZhou
(Owner sale) This house is located in Tongzhou gold area( xianghe paradise). It's a loft penthouse with a patio. This house is the classic house style and in the core position, cool and east-faced. It's on the 6th floor (totally 6 floors), and the total area, loft, is 95 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 1 dining room, 1 living room, and 2 bathrooms. There are 2 bedrooms, 1 small delicate bathroom and 1 stock room upstairs. Environmently-friendly material are used for the decoration, furniture and sunshine. With north European design style and good taste, it's quite suitable for people of middle class. The set of furniture are all new, so you can just move in anytime. Outside the kitchen, there is a large barbecue patio. You can plant flowers or invite your friends for meals. There is enough parking space downstairs. Cameras are set in every corner and guards are there 24/7. It's quite safe. This neighborhood is next to the under construction subway line 7 and the global international movie theatre, which is planned by the government. Additionally, there is an exit and entry to the Jing Ha highway. It only takes 30 minutes to Guomao by car under good traffic. Also there are lots of buses to the city center. I sincerely hope you can own this warm house and protect it. This house, with the unlimited purchasing, has the permanent owner right and heir right. Foreigners can buy it only with legal documents such as a current visa. The price is RMB 86 million.If you are interested,please call me,Contact number:155 0126 7035 Mr. Li. These following pictures are taken from the house.