Beijing Company registration
Establish a company in Beijing
No Real office Needed
No Registered Capital Required
No Need to Visit China
Setup in 30 working days
Exclusive to corporation China
T*** (中财仁合)is the leading company registration firm in China. We offer Beijing Company Registration and help you establish an Wholly
Foreign Owned Enterprise in Beijing, and we can also provide the registered address in Beijing.
Beijing is a good choice for companies that are in computer software, IT, microelectronics and components, video and audio products, electro-
mechanical integration, and key projects of light industry and energy. Meanwhile, newer industries such as pharmaceuticals, medical equipment,
biotechnology are also on the rise in Beijing.
Registering a company in China can be a draconian process, not to mention some of the business activities might be restricted with a license.
Nevertheless, as a foreign company about to enter into the Chinese market, registering a business there as a business consultancy firm allows you
to access a vast majority of business activities without needing to acquire a license beforehand.
Typically, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in China gives you direct control over your business.
设立外商独资企业 (一般服务类)—北京
Write-up in relation to the Establishment of A Wholly-owned Foreign
Enterprise In Beijing 一、成立要求(Establishment requirements):
1) 至少 1 名投资者(基本无国籍限制,但必须是中国以外的国家,包括港、澳、台地区的公司、经济组 织或者自然人)
At least one investor (from any nationality other than China, but including a natural person, economic organizations and company incorporated in
Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan regions)
2) 至少 1 名董事(董事为一人的,则该人士同时担任中国公司法定代表人)
At least one director (also acting as the legal representative of the enterprise if there is only one director appointed)
3) 至少 1 名监事(监事不可同时担任中国公司的董事、法定代表人、高级管理人员)
At least one supervisor (A supervisor cannot act as a director, legal representative, or senior executive of the Company at the same time)
4) 有实际的注册地址 (如无地址,中财仁合可协助提供,但不适用于需申请办理外国人工作签证等特殊情况的公司)
There must be an actual registered address (Tax008 Corporation can help )
5) 需投入与公司经营规模相适应的注册资本金,普通行业公司注册资本金低是 3 万人民币起。
Registered capital that matches the company’s business scale,the minimum registered capital is 100,000 China yuan.
二、您需提供的文件(The documents that you need to provide)
1) 投资人所属国的身份证明或注册证明,需当地公证机构公证,并经中国驻该国使馆认证,公证文件
至少 2 份,港、澳、台地区只需公证。(如为外文,需附加中文翻译件)
The investor’s Identification document or Certificate of Registration needs to be notarized by a local notary public and authenticated by the
embassy of China in the home country of the investor. At least two sets of the Notarization Certificates need to be furnished. The identification
of a resident in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan need notarization only. (The Certificates must be attached with Chinese translation if it is in
foreign language).
Assume that the enterprise is invested by a Hong Kong company. a. 注册证书
Certificate of incorporation b. 商业登记证
Business registration certificate c. NCI 或周年申报表
The notarization contents are as below:
The resolution of the board of directors(including the legal person prove of the investor )
2) 拟设公司董事、监事、总经理的护照/身份证/通行证复印件
Copies of Passport/ID card/Travel Permit of Directors and Supervisors of the Enterprise
3) 拟设公司法定代表人的护照/身份证/通行证原件(可为中国籍人士)
Copies of Certificate of the legal person of the Enterprise Original of his/her passport, Identification card, or permit (The legal person can be
Chinese nationality)
4) 办公室房屋租赁凭证原件 1 份和产权证明复印件及房屋信息登记表(登记表可以授权中财公司办理)
An original office lease contract certificate
5) 拟设公司财务负责人身份证复印件
6) 我方提供新公司文件模板,由投资方法人亲笔签字(黑色水笔,香港公司需加盖公司印章) Document templates will be provided by Conpak and we will prepare
documents for signature by the legal representative
7) 其他审批登记机关可能要求提供或补充的材料
Other documents required for registration at government departments
如投资人为外籍个人的,则需当地公证机构公证并由中国驻其所在国的大使馆出具个人身份认证文件,外籍 人士一般只公证个人护照,台湾籍人士公证台胞证,港、澳籍人
士公证港澳通行证。如不公证,则需要投资人 本人亲自到政府部门面签所有文件。
In the event that the company is invested by a foreign individual, the investor’s identification document shall be notarized by a local notary
public and authenticated by the Embassy of China in his/her home country. The notarization documents referred to the passport of a foreigner, the
Taiwan compatriot permit of a Taiwanese, and the travel permit for a Hong Kong and Macau resident. If notarization documents are not provided,
the investors are required to present and sign all documents at the government departments personally.
Please click here to form a Chinese company online for your proposed business in China. We are able to incorporate wholly-owned foreign
enterprises in China for you with just a click on our website.
Remark: A full list of documents, together with an explanation, will be sent to you at the time once things have been confirmed.
If you’d like to incorporate a limited company in China, please sent a mail to tax008@sin*** or visit our web site,www.t***
ZhongCaiRenHe (beijing)technology lt***.
Address:West 4 ring road No.72 Room 311,Fengtai district ,Beijing China.