


智慧树大学英语2 19春夏学期章测试答案知到大学英

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We must hurry up with the construction work so that we can finish it before the _____________ season sets in.      rainy
They made it clear that they would only exercise _____________ resistance in the event of a military takeover.      passive完整版可在【xuanx***】获取
Heilongjiang is a(n) _____________ province in China.      northeastern
Friedrich Nietzsche is my favorite _____________ philosopher      German
He has been _____________ from his desk for two months.      absent
She was taken to hospital suffering from a(n)_____________ heartbeat.      irregular
A _____________ diet may not provide enough calories for a child’s normal growth.      vegetarian
There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not too _____________ future.      distant
_____________ to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.      Contrary
I’ve noticed that he was a _____________ boy and tried to persuade him to change a little bit.      bookish
1 The police drew up a _________ of wanted terrorists.
A target.
B blacklist.
C function.
D practice.
2 She gazed at the _________ infant and smiled.
A concise.
B handsome.
C stylish.
D newborn.
3 Our manager's an _________ person and she never gets angry.
A addition.
B easygoing.
C amount.
D increase.完整版可在【xuanx***】获取
4Our restaurant is famous for its _________ .
A pay.
B seafood.
C reward.
D effect.
5 The horses are eating grass on the _________ .
A credulous.
B direct.
C suggest.
D grassland.
6He cleaned out that _________ as quick as a flash.
A icebox.
B position.
C progress.
D value.
7 He met an old _________ at the party.
A morality.
B schoolmate.
C charity.
D eva luation.
8 I put a beautiful _________ into his book.
A bookmark.
B construction.
C allowance.
D excitement.
9 She is considered to be the most _________ in the office.
A eyesight.
B accountant.
C opener.
D hardworking.
10 Her untimely death at 25 made her parents _________ .
A imagination.
B doubt.
C fiction.
D heartbroken

1 She is the _____kind of man who I am going to marry.
A good.
B very.
C want.
D proper.
2 My mind was a complete _____. I could not think of a simple answer.
A empty.
B blank.
C white.
D vacant.
3 They are trained nutritionists who can give ____ advice on diets.
A likely.
B sound .
C agreeable.
D recover.
4 A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for _____.
A health.
B use.
C better.
D good.
5 Active people are always on the _____.
A action.
B go .
C movement.
D road.
6 Language skills can be ______ by constant practice and regular reinforcement.
A perfected .
B raised.
C gained.
D enforced.
7 City police said the suspect of the murder case was _____ with a revolver.
A killed.
B known.
C armed.
D accused.
8 You must not peek while you are counting in such games as hide - and - _______.
A look for.
B seek .
C discover.
D find
9 We can only try to hold ____ to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others.
A fast.
B clearly.
C off.
D up.
10 He is due to _____ a conference on human rights next week.
A speak.
C talk.
D address
1 It’s extremely ____ I’ll do well on this test. I didn’t study a thing.
A dislike.
B likely.
C unlikely.
D like.
2 Her father ____of her dating John. He thinks John is a bad influence.
A disagreed.
B disapproved .
C disregarded.
D disappeared.
3 I believe this information is ____. This cannot be true.
A incomplete.
B incompetent.
C inaccurate.
D incapable.
4 I don’t understand anything he says; he’s so ____.
A unclear.
B disarticulated .
C misunderstood.
D untalkative.
5 This table is ____. I believe one of the legs is crooked.
A unsteady .
B unbelievable.
C unsure.
D unready.
6 I’m not sure if it’s ____. Why don’t you ask your lawyer friend?
A legitímate.
B legal.
C ilegal .
D ilegible.
7 I love Jane! She’s so fun and ____.
A uncompensated.
B uncomplicated.
C uncompetitive.
D incomplete.
8 Oh, come on. You must agree this is absolutely____.
A immortal.
B immoral .
C immense.
D immediate.
9 When you’re done using the computer make sure to ____it.
A reconnect.
B misconnect.
C unconnect.
D disconnect.
10 I’m absolutely sure it wasn’t Kate. She’s ____of something like that.
A disable.
B incapable .
C enable.
D unable
1 He was a ___________ of literature and philosophy.
A schooling.
B scholarship.
C school.
D scholar .
2 I am a __________, and I teach in an American university.
A history.
B historical.
C historian .
D historic.
3 He was a brilliant __________; he was one of the inventers of Calculus.
A maths.
B mathematical.
C mathematician.
D math.
4 Schindler: I'm a __________ of slave labor. I am a criminal.
A profiter.
B profiteer .
C profit.
D profiting.
5 He was the Beatles' most versatile singer and not just as a __________.
A ballad.
B ballade.
C balladeer .
D balladize.
6 Tell the _______ that you are expecting a call from this client and to put them through.
A receive.
B reception.
C receptional.
D receptionist.
7 A fellow __________ once told me that if you are not writing every day, then you are an amateur.
A journalist .
B journal.
C journaling.
D journalism.
8 I dreamed of becoming a ________.
A novel.
B novelty.
C novice.
D novelist .
9 If you like, you can bring some fruit or sweets, or, especially if there is a __________, some flowers.
A hostess .
B host.
C hostel.
D hosting.
10 Li Qingzhao was the greatest _________ of China.
A poetry.
B poem.
C poetess .
D poet
1 Two men were injured when a police _________was forced to make an emergency landing.
A quake.
B chute.
C copter .
D phone.
2 Chinese green tea called Tieguanyin, which costs $3, 000 per ________, approximately $15 for a single cup.
A ad.
B memo.
C auto.
D kilo .
3 The ________ reveals many distant stars to our sight.
A telecast.
B telescope.
C television.
D telephone.  
And many have a _______ for shooting their own home movies, which are typically played on a TV set.
A camcorder.
B Phone.
C scope.
D chute.
5 Tokyo wants to build a floating ________ in the sea as an alternative to the airport.
A heliport .
B slimnastic.
C skylab.
D motel.
6 It also said terrorist activities should not be the first story in a ______.
A newscast .
B television.
C sitcom.
D telecast.
7 These became popular during the 1980s when _______ victims faced short life expectancies.
A flu.
8 You will have enormous power if you are the person in the office who can write a clear and concise _______.
A memo .
B auto.
C docudrama.
D advertisement.
9 He got up late and had coffee and a turkey sandwich for _________.
A dinner.
B brunch .
C lunch.
D breakfast.
10 Sallt K. Ride joined ______ in 1977, who is the first American woman wearing the Stars and stripes into space.


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