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1600000 元
What is the market value of the commemorative coins signed by Yuan Datou in the third year of the Republic of China and Sun Yat-sen's founding in the Republic of China?
袁大头民国三年签字版是原天津造币厂试铸样币。该币显著特征就是币的正面袁世凯头像的右侧有英文“L.GIORGI”或简写“L.G”字样,是雕刻师“鲁尔治.乔治”的签名缩写俗称签字大头。民三袁头像签字银圆的英文字体经查证: 民三袁头像签字银圆的英文字体都是大写体——“L·GIORGI”。在周卫武编著的《世界钱币收藏与鉴别》中,民三袁头像签字银圆字体明显,其签字英文字体为大写体——“L·GIORG”。余继明编的《中国银币图鉴》中也是英文大写体。签字版特征:整币精铸,立体感强;肩星明显,肩章十条线清晰精刻;胸前襟章和绶带立体清晰,背面嘉禾饱满。民国三年的“袁大头”中,袁世凯“签字版”尤为珍贵,包括天津造币厂试铸的意大利制版人的英文签字版,以及袁世凯的左侧面像后颈部位的签字版。由于签字版未曾正式流通使用,所以存世不多。经过多年铸造,加上其信誉很高,“袁大头”数量增多,流通渐广,虽僻处边陬,也有其踪迹。The three-year signed edition of Yuan Datou Republic of China is a prototype coin coined by the former Tianjin Mint. The most prominent feature of the coin is that the front of the coin, yuan Shikai's head, has the words "L.GIORGI" or the abbreviation "l g" on the right, which is the initials of the engraver "rurgi George" commonly known as the big head. After verification, the English font of Minsan Yuan's signature silver dollar was all capital letters-"L Giorgi". In the book "world coin collection and identification" compiled by Zhou weiwu, the signature of the head portrait of min sanyuan is obviously in silver circle, and its English signature is in capital letters-"l gioorg". Yu Jiming's "A Guide to Chinese Silver Coins" is also written in English capital letters. Signature version features: precision casting of whole currency, strong stereoscopic impression; The shoulder star is obvious, and the ten lines of the epaulettes are clearly engraved. The front of the chest and the ribbon are three-dimensional and clear, and the back is full of Jiahe. Among the "Yuan Datou" in the three years of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai's "signature version" was especially precious, including the English signature version of the Italian plate-making man, which was trial cast by Tianjin Mint, and the signature version of Yuan Shikai's left side like the back neck. Since the signature version has not been officially circulated, it does not exist much in the world. After years of casting and its high reputation, the number of "Yuan Datou" has increased and its circulation has become more and more extensive. Although it is located in a remote area, there are still traces of it. Now, the price of the signature edition of Yuan Datou coins has been rising continuously, and the auction price has repeatedly hit the ceiling. It is reported that the signature edition of the three years of the Republic of China has now captured 2.31 million coins. 孙中山开国纪念银币,俗称小头,是民国时期流通的主要货币之一。是枚将大总统头像替换皇家龙图的国币,这意味着宣告清王朝统治的结束,中国从此进入共和制的新纪年。此外,币面镌刻中英文字,意在告知外国人,中国新的开放时代来临。在集藏领域,向来对重大历史事件高度敏感的金银币收藏市场,会赋予藏品独特的价值,它的行情也会顺势火爆。
Sun Yat-sen's silver coin, commonly known as small head, was one of the major currencies in circulation during the Republic of China. It is the first national currency to replace the head of the president with the head of the royal dragon, which means the end of the Qing dynasty and China's entry into a new era of republic. In addition, Chinese and English characters are engraved on the coin surface to inform foreigners that a new era of opening up in China is coming. In the field of collection, the gold and silver coin collection market, which has always been highly sensitive to major historical events, will give unique value to the collection, and its market will be booming.
This silver coin is a six-star commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China. The center of the front of the silver coin is a side photo of Sun Yat-sen, with "Republic of China" inscribed on the top and "Founding Commemorative Coin" inscribed on the bottom. There are long plum blossom patterns on the left and right. In the middle of the back, there is the word "one dollar" in currency value, and the left and right sides are respectively supplemented by Jiahe patterns. This currency is a relatively rare one, and it can be said to be rare. This coin is partially covered with natural paste, but the overall preservation is complete, and the fonts and decorations are clearly distinguishable, which has a high collection price.


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