A线形几何发型 1966 这款发型是沙宣在Mila Schon罗马举行的时尚发布会上推出的, 这款发型是在脖颈处直接剪短,在两侧逐渐留长的。
A geometric hairstyle 1966 this hairstyle is Sassoon held in Mila Schon Roman fashion conference to launch, this hairstyle is on the neck directly cut on both sides gradually grow.
Keywords (mysterious, elegant, capable, personality) side of the junction to junction, from the side of the neck knife, diagonally forward junction, natural dropping, hair pieces attached to the skin tight, incision parallel to the junction, stations posterior to the posterior angle, the front side of the hair band from the posterolateral corner trim, and always maintain 0 degree promotion.
A geometric hairstyle 1966 this hairstyle is Sassoon held in Mila Schon Roman fashion conference to launch, this hairstyle is on the neck directly cut on both sides gradually grow.
Keywords (mysterious, elegant, capable, personality) side of the junction to junction, from the side of the neck knife, diagonally forward junction, natural dropping, hair pieces attached to the skin tight, incision parallel to the junction, stations posterior to the posterior angle, the front side of the hair band from the posterolateral corner trim, and always maintain 0 degree promotion.