岩棉彩钢夹芯板 产品特点:彩钢岩棉复合板产品为A级防火板材 1.防火性能好:岩棉物为内芯层或玻璃纤维,可是任意防火等级要求; 2.彩钢岩棉复合板隔热保温:导热系数λ≤岩棉0.044w/m.k 导热系数λ≤玻璃棉0.031/m.k; 3.彩钢岩棉复合板色泽鲜艳:不需要表面装饰,彩钢板防腐层保持期为10 15年,彩色镀铝锌板防腐层保持为30 45年; 4.彩钢岩棉复合板抗弯抗压,承载力高:即可作护围结构,又可作承重结构,一般房屋不用梁柱; 5.彩钢岩棉复合板安装灵活:夹芯板的宽度为950型 1150型,表面层可压筋和不压筋,长度可按用户要求长度定尺寸生产,施工周期短,综合造价低; 6.彩钢岩棉复合板适用范围:净化工程、船舶、食品、空调、厂房、锅炉房、楼层、活动房、冷库、仓库、办公室分隔、隔音等产品外形美观、色泽艳丽,承重、保温、防火、防水性能强,欢迎广大客户来电洽谈!
* applicable areas *
The ceiling and partition are widely used in the roof, wall and air clean room of steel structure workshop and simple movable room.
Rock wool color steel sandwich panel product features: color steel composite rock wool board products for a fireproof plate 1. good fireproof performance: rock wool as the core layer or glass fiber, but any fire rating requirements; 2. color steel composite rock wool board insulation: 0.044w/m.k = coefficient of heat conductivity, thermal conductivity coefficient is less than or equal to a rock wool glass wool 0.031/m.k 3. color steel composite rock wool; in bright color: no surface decoration, color steel plate coating retention period for 1015, anticorrosive coating of color aluminum zinc plate for 3045 years; the flexural compressive strength of 4. steel composite rock wool board, high bearing capacity: can be used for the protection structure, also bearing structure, the general housing without pillars; 5. color steel composite rock wool board flexible installation: sandwich plate width of 950 type 1150, can be reinforced or not surface layer, the length of length according to user requirements size, short construction period, low comprehensive cost; 6. color steel rock Scope: cotton composite plate purification project, ships, food, air conditioning, building, floor, boiler room, activity room, cold storage, warehouse, office partition, sound product appearance, bright color, bearing, heat preservation, fire prevention, waterproof performance, welcome customer calls negotiate!
岩棉彩钢夹芯板 产品特点:彩钢岩棉复合板产品为A级防火板材 1.防火性能好:岩棉物为内芯层或玻璃纤维,可是任意防火等级要求; 2.彩钢岩棉复合板隔热保温:导热系数λ≤岩棉0.044w/m.k 导热系数λ≤玻璃棉0.031/m.k; 3.彩钢岩棉复合板色泽鲜艳:不需要表面装饰,彩钢板防腐层保持期为10 15年,彩色镀铝锌板防腐层保持为30 45年; 4.彩钢岩棉复合板抗弯抗压,承载力高:即可作护围结构,又可作承重结构,一般房屋不用梁柱; 5.彩钢岩棉复合板安装灵活:夹芯板的宽度为950型 1150型,表面层可压筋和不压筋,长度可按用户要求长度定尺寸生产,施工周期短,综合造价低; 6.彩钢岩棉复合板适用范围:净化工程、船舶、食品、空调、厂房、锅炉房、楼层、活动房、冷库、仓库、办公室分隔、隔音等产品外形美观、色泽艳丽,承重、保温、防火、防水性能强,欢迎广大客户来电洽谈!
* applicable areas *
The ceiling and partition are widely used in the roof, wall and air clean room of steel structure workshop and simple movable room.
Rock wool color steel sandwich panel product features: color steel composite rock wool board products for a fireproof plate 1. good fireproof performance: rock wool as the core layer or glass fiber, but any fire rating requirements; 2. color steel composite rock wool board insulation: 0.044w/m.k = coefficient of heat conductivity, thermal conductivity coefficient is less than or equal to a rock wool glass wool 0.031/m.k 3. color steel composite rock wool; in bright color: no surface decoration, color steel plate coating retention period for 1015, anticorrosive coating of color aluminum zinc plate for 3045 years; the flexural compressive strength of 4. steel composite rock wool board, high bearing capacity: can be used for the protection structure, also bearing structure, the general housing without pillars; 5. color steel composite rock wool board flexible installation: sandwich plate width of 950 type 1150, can be reinforced or not surface layer, the length of length according to user requirements size, short construction period, low comprehensive cost; 6. color steel rock Scope: cotton composite plate purification project, ships, food, air conditioning, building, floor, boiler room, activity room, cold storage, warehouse, office partition, sound product appearance, bright color, bearing, heat preservation, fire prevention, waterproof performance, welcome customer calls negotiate!