Movie buff 电影迷
My friend Linda is a big movie buff.
She saw every movie that came out last year.
Come out: 上映
Let's go see a movie.
Have you seen that movie?
I need Chinese subtitles when I watch foreign films.
Chick flick言情片
My brother won't watch chick flick with me.
He says they're too girly.
Horror film恐怖片
Never take me to a horror film again,
I was scared out of my wits.
Sci-fi movie科幻片
Sci-fi movies are the coolest
I love Avatar.
I don't like the Smurfs. 我不喜欢看蓝精灵
That movie sucked那部电影不好看
My favorite movie is The Blind Side.
It is base on a true story.
Based on a true story真人真事!
Movie buff 电影迷
My friend Linda is a big movie buff.
She saw every movie that came out last year.
Come out: 上映
Let's go see a movie.
Have you seen that movie?
I need Chinese subtitles when I watch foreign films.
Chick flick言情片
My brother won't watch chick flick with me.
He says they're too girly.
Horror film恐怖片
Never take me to a horror film again,
I was scared out of my wits.
Sci-fi movie科幻片
Sci-fi movies are the coolest
I love Avatar.
I don't like the Smurfs. 我不喜欢看蓝精灵
That movie sucked那部电影不好看
My favorite movie is The Blind Side.
It is base on a true story.
Based on a true story真人真事!