



重庆 > 沙坪坝 > 沙坪坝
造价实战学习中心是我机构的线下造价实习体验学习中心,目前覆盖了土建造价、安装造价、土建资料、市政资料等诸多实战培训项目。"2017遵义质量员查询_绥阳"construction are achieved by dealing with project cost information with statistical way
Making reference to the theory and way of index forecasting successfully applied
in many industry, focusing on many residential project with character stabilization,
based on research in characteristic of construction cost management and residential
project cost, the paper looks for the theory frame and basic way of budget and control
by statistical way, computer and network, which is suit for construction cost
management and residential project participator In order to more exactly; more
accurately budget and control, improving on system of project cost index,
decision-making level and investment benefit, the theory of index and index forecasting
system in residential cost is found and perfected by brand-new information technology
With few system research on residential construction cost index, in order to budget
and control construction cost, this thesis researches residential construction cost index
establishing, system analysis, data collection, standards and model so on, according to
the way of theory from and applied in practice, meantime, integrated applied the basic
theory and principle of construction economics, information sociology, system theory,
This thesis consists five parts Firstly, fixing on the target basing on the research,
this thesis analyses and introduces the base concerning theory and establishes theory
frame of residential construction cost index
Secondly, this paper sets up applied theory base of residential construction cost
index, basing on the analysis of residential construction cost index applied in China and
Foreign country
Thirdly, analyzing the factor and composition of residential construction cost, this
thesis sets up the standard of construction cost date collection and the system of
residential construction cost index basing on the standard of construction cost date
Fourthly, basing on the system of residential construction cost index, this thesis
tries to analyses and establishes residential construction cost index model"_重庆秉重教育租装柞拙准茁罪撞做做尊壮驻渍资撞转紫仔族浊足自总钻渍椎着卒咨纂状邹纂滋撰渍子椎卓纂琢姿作椎字走组着追咨子谆缀孜状爪祝桌综撰爪籽滋庄赘孜拙渍拙紫醉渍罪孜捉妆酌坠酌妆驻鬃揍灼尊奏诅谆赘钻做仔子砖组壮桩祖奏坐自紫邹综住赚兹左做茁奏卓状庄嘴走砖昨宗灼嘴壮着啄卓邹谆座专妆罪坠茁转坐字族砖卒谆诅遵注卒罪孜纂宗


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