Users are an important cornerstone of the development of social e-commerce.
Data show that in recent years, the scale of users in China's social e-commerce industry has increased year by year.
In 2019, the number of users of social ecommerce reached 713 million, an increase of 17.26% over the same period last year.
1、即拼会员 即拼掌柜坚持以严选好货树信任、认真服务立口碑为宗旨,提供6大核心服务,让即拼会员买且满意。
2、小店创业者 即拼掌柜以个人创业者能够获得踏实、阳光的收入为出发点,8大核心服务全面支持,让即拼小店创业者的时间更有价值。
3、即拼供应商 即拼掌柜的小伙伴们会持续提升供应商服务水平及标准,力争实现“因需定产、快速周转”的使命,不断为供应商赋能。
Users are an important cornerstone of the development of social e-commerce.
Data show that in recent years, the scale of users in China's social e-commerce industry has increased year by year.
In 2019, the number of users of social ecommerce reached 713 million, an increase of 17.26% over the same period last year.
1、即拼会员 即拼掌柜坚持以严选好货树信任、认真服务立口碑为宗旨,提供6大核心服务,让即拼会员买且满意。
2、小店创业者 即拼掌柜以个人创业者能够获得踏实、阳光的收入为出发点,8大核心服务全面支持,让即拼小店创业者的时间更有价值。
3、即拼供应商 即拼掌柜的小伙伴们会持续提升供应商服务水平及标准,力争实现“因需定产、快速周转”的使命,不断为供应商赋能。