理解 tokenURI()
让我们解释一下 ERC721 tokenURI()函数的实现:
tokenURI()是 ERC721 标准的一个元数据函数,在 OpenZeppelin 文档中 :
tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) → string 返回 tokenId 代币的统一资源标识符(URI)。
通常 tokenURI 会返回一个 URI。我们可以通过连接 baseURI 和 tokenId 来获得每个 token 的 URI 结果。
在我们的tokenURI()中,将 URI 作为一个 base64 编码的对象返回。
首先,构建对象。对象中的 svg 图片也是 base64 编码的:
"name":"Badge #1",
"description":"Badge NFT with on-chain SVG image."
"image":"data:image/svg+xml;base64,[svg base64 encoded]"
然后我们返回 base64 编码的对象:
data:application/json;base64,(object base64 encoded)
Webapp 可以通过调用tokenURI(tokenId)获得 URI,并解码以获得名称、描述和 SVG 图片。
这里的 SVG 图片由 LOOT 项目改编的。非常简单,就是在图片中显示 tokenId:
<svg xmlns='http://www.w***/2000/svg' preserveAspectRatio='xMinYMin meet' viewBox='0 0 350 350'>
<style>.base { fill: white; font-family: serif; font-size: 300px; }</style>
<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='brown' />
<text x='100' y='260' class='base'>
// test/BadgeToken.test.ts
import { expect } from "chai"
import { Signer } from "ethers"
import { ethers } from "hardhat"
import { BadgeToken } from "../typechain"
const base64 = require( "base-64")
const _name='BadgeToken'
const _symbol='BADGE'
describe("BadgeToken", function () {
let badge:BadgeToken
let account0:Signer,account1:Signer
beforeEach(async function () {
[account0, account1] = await ethers.getSigners()
const BadgeToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("BadgeToken")
badge = await BadgeToken.deploy(_name,_symbol)
it("Should has the correct name and symbol ", async function () {
expect(await badge.symbol()).to.equal(_symbol)
it("Should tokenId start from 1 and auto increment", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
await badge.mintTo(address1)
expect(await badge.ownerOf(1)).to.equal(address1)
await badge.mintTo(address1)
expect(await badge.ownerOf(2)).to.equal(address1)
expect(await badge.balanceOf(address1)).to.equal(2)
it("Should mint a token with event", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
await expect(badge.mintTo(address1))
.to.emit(badge, 'Transfer')
.withArgs(e***nstants.AddressZero,address1, 1)
it("Should mint a token with desired tokenURI (log result for inspection)", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
await badge.mintTo(address1)
const tokenUri = await badge.tokenURI(1)
// console.log("tokenURI:")
// console.log(tokenUri)
const tokenId = 1
const data = base64.decode(tokenUri.slice(29))
const itemInfo = JSON.parse(data)
expect('Badge #'+String(tokenId))
expect(itemInfo.description)'Badge NFT with on-chain SVG image.')
const svg = base64.decode(itemInfo.image.slice(26))
const idInSVG = svg.slice(256,-13)
// console.log("SVG image:")
// console.log(svg)
it("Should mint 10 token with desired tokenURI", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
for(let i=1;i<=10;i++){
await badge.mintTo(address1)
const tokenUri = await badge.tokenURI(i)
const data = base64.decode(tokenUri.slice(29))
const itemInfo = JSON.parse(data)
expect('Badge #'+String(i))
expect(itemInfo.description)'Badge NFT with on-chain SVG image.')
const svg = base64.decode(itemInfo.image.slice(26))
const idInSVG = svg.slice(256,-13)
expect(await badge.balanceOf(address1)).to.equal(10)
理解 tokenURI()
让我们解释一下 ERC721 tokenURI()函数的实现:
tokenURI()是 ERC721 标准的一个元数据函数,在 OpenZeppelin 文档中 :
tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) → string 返回 tokenId 代币的统一资源标识符(URI)。
通常 tokenURI 会返回一个 URI。我们可以通过连接 baseURI 和 tokenId 来获得每个 token 的 URI 结果。
在我们的tokenURI()中,将 URI 作为一个 base64 编码的对象返回。
首先,构建对象。对象中的 svg 图片也是 base64 编码的:
"name":"Badge #1",
"description":"Badge NFT with on-chain SVG image."
"image":"data:image/svg+xml;base64,[svg base64 encoded]"
然后我们返回 base64 编码的对象:
data:application/json;base64,(object base64 encoded)
Webapp 可以通过调用tokenURI(tokenId)获得 URI,并解码以获得名称、描述和 SVG 图片。
这里的 SVG 图片由 LOOT 项目改编的。非常简单,就是在图片中显示 tokenId:
<svg xmlns='http://www.w***/2000/svg' preserveAspectRatio='xMinYMin meet' viewBox='0 0 350 350'>
<style>.base { fill: white; font-family: serif; font-size: 300px; }</style>
<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='brown' />
<text x='100' y='260' class='base'>
// test/BadgeToken.test.ts
import { expect } from "chai"
import { Signer } from "ethers"
import { ethers } from "hardhat"
import { BadgeToken } from "../typechain"
const base64 = require( "base-64")
const _name='BadgeToken'
const _symbol='BADGE'
describe("BadgeToken", function () {
let badge:BadgeToken
let account0:Signer,account1:Signer
beforeEach(async function () {
[account0, account1] = await ethers.getSigners()
const BadgeToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("BadgeToken")
badge = await BadgeToken.deploy(_name,_symbol)
it("Should has the correct name and symbol ", async function () {
expect(await badge.symbol()).to.equal(_symbol)
it("Should tokenId start from 1 and auto increment", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
await badge.mintTo(address1)
expect(await badge.ownerOf(1)).to.equal(address1)
await badge.mintTo(address1)
expect(await badge.ownerOf(2)).to.equal(address1)
expect(await badge.balanceOf(address1)).to.equal(2)
it("Should mint a token with event", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
await expect(badge.mintTo(address1))
.to.emit(badge, 'Transfer')
.withArgs(e***nstants.AddressZero,address1, 1)
it("Should mint a token with desired tokenURI (log result for inspection)", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
await badge.mintTo(address1)
const tokenUri = await badge.tokenURI(1)
// console.log("tokenURI:")
// console.log(tokenUri)
const tokenId = 1
const data = base64.decode(tokenUri.slice(29))
const itemInfo = JSON.parse(data)
expect('Badge #'+String(tokenId))
expect(itemInfo.description)'Badge NFT with on-chain SVG image.')
const svg = base64.decode(itemInfo.image.slice(26))
const idInSVG = svg.slice(256,-13)
// console.log("SVG image:")
// console.log(svg)
it("Should mint 10 token with desired tokenURI", async function () {
const address1=await account1.getAddress()
for(let i=1;i<=10;i++){
await badge.mintTo(address1)
const tokenUri = await badge.tokenURI(i)
const data = base64.decode(tokenUri.slice(29))
const itemInfo = JSON.parse(data)
expect('Badge #'+String(i))
expect(itemInfo.description)'Badge NFT with on-chain SVG image.')
const svg = base64.decode(itemInfo.image.slice(26))
const idInSVG = svg.slice(256,-13)
expect(await badge.balanceOf(address1)).to.equal(10)