function disregardProposeOwner() public {
require(msg.sender == proposedOwner || msg.sender == owner, "only proposedOwner or owner");
require(proposedOwner != address(0), "can only disregard a proposed owner that was previously set");
address _oldProposedOwner = proposedOwner;
proposedOwner = address(0);
emit OwnershipTransferDisregarded(_oldProposedOwner);
* @dev Allows the proposed owner to complete transferring control of the contract to the proposedOwner.
function claimOwnership() public {
require(msg.sender == proposedOwner, "onlyProposedOwner");
address _oldOwner = owner;
owner = proposedOwner;
proposedOwner = address(0);
emit OwnershipTransferred(_oldOwner, owner);
* @dev Reclaim all BUSD at the contract address.
* This sends the BUSD tokens that this contract add holding to the owner.
* Note: this is not affected by freeze constraints.
function reclaimBUSD() external onlyOwner {
uint256 _balance = balances[this];
balances[this] = 0;
balances[owner] = balances[owner].add(_balance);
emit Transfer(this, owner, _balance);
function disregardProposeOwner() public {
require(msg.sender == proposedOwner || msg.sender == owner, "only proposedOwner or owner");
require(proposedOwner != address(0), "can only disregard a proposed owner that was previously set");
address _oldProposedOwner = proposedOwner;
proposedOwner = address(0);
emit OwnershipTransferDisregarded(_oldProposedOwner);
* @dev Allows the proposed owner to complete transferring control of the contract to the proposedOwner.
function claimOwnership() public {
require(msg.sender == proposedOwner, "onlyProposedOwner");
address _oldOwner = owner;
owner = proposedOwner;
proposedOwner = address(0);
emit OwnershipTransferred(_oldOwner, owner);
* @dev Reclaim all BUSD at the contract address.
* This sends the BUSD tokens that this contract add holding to the owner.
* Note: this is not affected by freeze constraints.
function reclaimBUSD() external onlyOwner {
uint256 _balance = balances[this];
balances[this] = 0;
balances[owner] = balances[owner].add(_balance);
emit Transfer(this, owner, _balance);