1. 招标条件
1. Terms of tender
The tendering project of Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in People's Republic of China( the Embassy) has been approved to be constructed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China with the WHH (2017) No. 1348. The tenderee (the embassy) is the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in People's Republic of China, and the construction funds are all from foreign government investment. The project has met the terms of tender and now public tendering of this project is carried out.
2. 项目概况与招标范围
2. Project overview and tendering scope
2.1本招标项目的建设地点: 北京市朝阳区建国门外秀水南街3号
2.1 Construction site of the tendering project: No. 3, Xiushui South Street, Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
2.2本招标项目的建设规模 9740㎡
2.2 Construction scale of the tendering project: 9,740m2
2.3 Planned construction period of the tendering project:17 months
2.4招标范围: 塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国驻北京大使馆的旧使馆拆除,新建工程的基坑支护、土方、结构、装修、电气、设备、室外管线、室外园林景观等全部建设内容。以及施工图审查费、环境评估费、竣工图编制费、沉降观测、散装水泥及新型墙体材料专项基金等所有与工程建设有关的其他费用。
2.4 Tender scope: Demolition of the old embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Beijing, and all construction contents of the newly-established project, including retaining and protection of foundation excavation, earthwork, structure, decoration, electric, equipment, outdoor pipeline and outdoor landscape. And Construction drawing examination fee,Environmental assessment fee,Completion drawing fee,Settlement observation fee,Dust control fee,Special fund for bulk cement and new wall materials and all other expenses related to the to the project construction.
3. 投标人资格要求
3. Qualification requirements for Bidder
3.1 The tender requires the applicant to possess the three-level or above enterprise qualification for general contracting of housing construction projects, the performance in general contracting projects with a contract value of RMB 100 million (including) or more in the past three years, and the corresponding construction capacity in personnel, equipment, funds and other aspects, of which the Project Manager to be appointed by the applicant must possess the first-class registered constructor qualification for construction project and the effective certificate (Level B) of safety production assessment, and may not act as the Project Manager of other construction projects in progress when the bid winner is determined. The construction enterprises from other places shall handle the formalities of registered constructors for the record when they go to Beijing. Only those registered constructors who have already handled the said formalities can carry out their practicing activities in the administrative areas of this city.
3.2 The tender uses a veto (restriction/veto) disciplinary method for the dishonest judgment debtors.
3.3 本次招标不接受(接受或不接受)联合体投标。
3.3 The bidding doesn't accept (accepts or doesn't accept) the joint bidding.
4. 投标报名
4.Bidding registration.
5. 招标文件的获取
5.Acquirement of the tender document
5.1 凡通过上述报名者,计划于2019年3月1日至2019年3月30日,每日上午9时至12时,下午1:30至5:30(北京时间,下同)持公司营业执照、资质证书、安全生产许可证原件及加盖公章的复印件;授权委托书、经办人身份证原件及加盖公章的复印件购买招标文件。
5.2 The price of each set tender document is RMB1000, (in cash) which will not be refundable after sales.
联系人: 张涛
电 话: 13261169391
邮 箱:chinazbcg@16***
1. 招标条件
1. Terms of tender
The tendering project of Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in People's Republic of China( the Embassy) has been approved to be constructed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China with the WHH (2017) No. 1348. The tenderee (the embassy) is the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in People's Republic of China, and the construction funds are all from foreign government investment. The project has met the terms of tender and now public tendering of this project is carried out.
2. 项目概况与招标范围
2. Project overview and tendering scope
2.1本招标项目的建设地点: 北京市朝阳区建国门外秀水南街3号
2.1 Construction site of the tendering project: No. 3, Xiushui South Street, Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
2.2本招标项目的建设规模 9740㎡
2.2 Construction scale of the tendering project: 9,740m2
2.3 Planned construction period of the tendering project:17 months
2.4招标范围: 塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国驻北京大使馆的旧使馆拆除,新建工程的基坑支护、土方、结构、装修、电气、设备、室外管线、室外园林景观等全部建设内容。以及施工图审查费、环境评估费、竣工图编制费、沉降观测、散装水泥及新型墙体材料专项基金等所有与工程建设有关的其他费用。
2.4 Tender scope: Demolition of the old embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Beijing, and all construction contents of the newly-established project, including retaining and protection of foundation excavation, earthwork, structure, decoration, electric, equipment, outdoor pipeline and outdoor landscape. And Construction drawing examination fee,Environmental assessment fee,Completion drawing fee,Settlement observation fee,Dust control fee,Special fund for bulk cement and new wall materials and all other expenses related to the to the project construction.
3. 投标人资格要求
3. Qualification requirements for Bidder
3.1 The tender requires the applicant to possess the three-level or above enterprise qualification for general contracting of housing construction projects, the performance in general contracting projects with a contract value of RMB 100 million (including) or more in the past three years, and the corresponding construction capacity in personnel, equipment, funds and other aspects, of which the Project Manager to be appointed by the applicant must possess the first-class registered constructor qualification for construction project and the effective certificate (Level B) of safety production assessment, and may not act as the Project Manager of other construction projects in progress when the bid winner is determined. The construction enterprises from other places shall handle the formalities of registered constructors for the record when they go to Beijing. Only those registered constructors who have already handled the said formalities can carry out their practicing activities in the administrative areas of this city.
3.2 The tender uses a veto (restriction/veto) disciplinary method for the dishonest judgment debtors.
3.3 本次招标不接受(接受或不接受)联合体投标。
3.3 The bidding doesn't accept (accepts or doesn't accept) the joint bidding.
4. 投标报名
4.Bidding registration.
5. 招标文件的获取
5.Acquirement of the tender document
5.1 凡通过上述报名者,计划于2019年3月1日至2019年3月30日,每日上午9时至12时,下午1:30至5:30(北京时间,下同)持公司营业执照、资质证书、安全生产许可证原件及加盖公章的复印件;授权委托书、经办人身份证原件及加盖公章的复印件购买招标文件。
5.2 The price of each set tender document is RMB1000, (in cash) which will not be refundable after sales.
联系人: 张涛
电 话: 13261169391
邮 箱:chinazbcg@16***