Curtain sheet material: galvanized steel door with layer thick, internal rib and polyurethane foam material filling process, has the advantages of heat insulation, sound insulation, heat preservation, suitable for large-scale warehouse and the factory gate;
Accessories configuration (guide and hardware): adopt 2.5mm thick galvanized steel molding and spray, high temperature baking process such as elaborate, increased corrosion resistance, durability and aesthetics. Rail mounted on both sides lined with supporting plate, increase strength and beauty.
Hoisting speed is 10cm/s~25cm/s. Control mode: the radio remote control or the control box button operation, can make the accurate positioning of the door body;
控制方式:采用无线电遥控操作或控制箱按钮操作,可使门体定 位;
Safety device: anti dropping device, airbag (optional), to prevent the door down or bottom collide with the obstacle, the door will automatically stop or reverse operation, to avoid accidents; wire rope breaking device, a torsion spring fracture safety device.
Safety device: anti dropping device, airbag (optional), to prevent the door down or bottom collide with the obstacle, the door will automatically stop or reverse operation, to avoid accidents; wire rope breaking device, a torsion spring fracture safety device. Prevent door body hurt people, any form of matter may.
《方案》指出,设立江苏自贸试验区,是党中央、作出的重大战略决策,是新时代推进改革开放的战略举措。以“着力打造开放型经济发展先行区、实体经济创新发展和产业转型升级示范区”为战略定 位,江苏自贸试验区实施范围119.97平方公里,涵盖南京、苏州、连云港3个片区,将经过3-5年改革探索,形成更多有国际竞争力的制度创新,建成投资贸易便利、高端产业集聚、金融服务完善、监管安全、辐射带动作用突出的高标准高质量自贸园区。3个片区功能各有侧重,南京片区建设具有国际影响力的自主创新先导区、现代产业示范区、对外开放合作重要平台;苏州片区建设世界一流高科技产业园区,打造全方位开放、国际化创新、高端化产业和现代化治理高地;连云港片区建设亚欧重要国际交通枢纽、集聚优质要素的开放门户、“一带一路”沿线国家(地区)交流合作平台。
Curtain sheet material: galvanized steel door with layer thick, internal rib and polyurethane foam material filling process, has the advantages of heat insulation, sound insulation, heat preservation, suitable for large-scale warehouse and the factory gate;
Accessories configuration (guide and hardware): adopt 2.5mm thick galvanized steel molding and spray, high temperature baking process such as elaborate, increased corrosion resistance, durability and aesthetics. Rail mounted on both sides lined with supporting plate, increase strength and beauty.
Hoisting speed is 10cm/s~25cm/s. Control mode: the radio remote control or the control box button operation, can make the accurate positioning of the door body;
控制方式:采用无线电遥控操作或控制箱按钮操作,可使门体定 位;
Safety device: anti dropping device, airbag (optional), to prevent the door down or bottom collide with the obstacle, the door will automatically stop or reverse operation, to avoid accidents; wire rope breaking device, a torsion spring fracture safety device.
Safety device: anti dropping device, airbag (optional), to prevent the door down or bottom collide with the obstacle, the door will automatically stop or reverse operation, to avoid accidents; wire rope breaking device, a torsion spring fracture safety device. Prevent door body hurt people, any form of matter may.
《方案》指出,设立江苏自贸试验区,是党中央、作出的重大战略决策,是新时代推进改革开放的战略举措。以“着力打造开放型经济发展先行区、实体经济创新发展和产业转型升级示范区”为战略定 位,江苏自贸试验区实施范围119.97平方公里,涵盖南京、苏州、连云港3个片区,将经过3-5年改革探索,形成更多有国际竞争力的制度创新,建成投资贸易便利、高端产业集聚、金融服务完善、监管安全、辐射带动作用突出的高标准高质量自贸园区。3个片区功能各有侧重,南京片区建设具有国际影响力的自主创新先导区、现代产业示范区、对外开放合作重要平台;苏州片区建设世界一流高科技产业园区,打造全方位开放、国际化创新、高端化产业和现代化治理高地;连云港片区建设亚欧重要国际交通枢纽、集聚优质要素的开放门户、“一带一路”沿线国家(地区)交流合作平台。