1、 表示增加、减少和波动:
verb + adverb from 动词+副词adjective + noun from 形容词+名词
副词: suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/significantly/sharply/steeply/steadily/gradually/slowly/slightly
名词:increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuation in the number of
例句:a、the number of cars increased rapidly from June to December.
b、There was a very rapid increase between June and December.
2、 表示变化不大或没有变化
a、the number of … remained steady/stable from … to …
b、there was little/hardlyany/no change in the number of … between … and …
a、the figures peaked at 20% in December
b、he figures reached a peak/a high point at 20% in December
c、reach the peak/top/highest point
a、the figures bottomed out at 20% in December
b、the figures reached the bottom/a low point at 20% in December
c、reach the bottom/lowest point
占的多:occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/percentage of …
占的少:occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/percentage of…
a、A had a quarter/half/twice/one third/ as many students as/ as much money as B.
b、A had about the same number/amount of students/money as B.
c、A had something in common with B/ the difference between A and B lies in…
d、A was…., while B was….
1、 表示增加、减少和波动:
verb + adverb from 动词+副词adjective + noun from 形容词+名词
副词: suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/significantly/sharply/steeply/steadily/gradually/slowly/slightly
名词:increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuation in the number of
例句:a、the number of cars increased rapidly from June to December.
b、There was a very rapid increase between June and December.
2、 表示变化不大或没有变化
a、the number of … remained steady/stable from … to …
b、there was little/hardlyany/no change in the number of … between … and …
a、the figures peaked at 20% in December
b、he figures reached a peak/a high point at 20% in December
c、reach the peak/top/highest point
a、the figures bottomed out at 20% in December
b、the figures reached the bottom/a low point at 20% in December
c、reach the bottom/lowest point
占的多:occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/percentage of …
占的少:occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/percentage of…
a、A had a quarter/half/twice/one third/ as many students as/ as much money as B.
b、A had about the same number/amount of students/money as B.
c、A had something in common with B/ the difference between A and B lies in…
d、A was…., while B was….