公链DRC Ibelink 6T矿机震撼来袭
IbelinkDCR 6T矿机
数量不多 准现货25到30日,
功耗2100W 神器预售!
我们很高兴宣布开始预售全球效率 Blake256 算法 ASIC 矿机(单机算力: 6TH/s)- iBeLinkTM DSM6T。此矿机适用于 Decred(DCR)及其它 Blake256算法的数字货币的挖矿。机器交货会在五月底开始并延续到六,七月份。订货的单价为 ¥45000。我们将于 2018/5/20 开始
Hash Algorithm: Blake256
Hash Rate: 6 TH/s ±5%
Power Consumption: 2.1 kW ±5% (at the wall, with 25°C ambient temp)
Power Efficiency: 0.35 J/GH (at the wall, with 25°C ambient temp)
Operating Temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C
Network Connection: Ethernet
Power Supply: 190V to 240V, 50Hz/60Hz
Certifications: FCC, CE
Dimensions: 490mm(L)*390mm(W)*180mm(H)
Weight: 17.6kg
Modular PCB design: for reliability and the ease of maintenance/repair
数量不多 准现货25到30日,
功耗2100W 神器预售!
我们很高兴宣布开始预售全球效率 Blake256 算法 ASIC 矿机(单机算力: 6TH/s)- iBeLinkTM DSM6T。此矿机适用于 Decred(DCR)及其它 Blake256算法的数字货币的挖矿。机器交货会在五月底开始并延续到六,七月份。订货的单价为 ¥45000。我们将于 2018/5/20 开始
Hash Algorithm: Blake256
Hash Rate: 6 TH/s ±5%
Power Consumption: 2.1 kW ±5% (at the wall, with 25°C ambient temp)
Power Efficiency: 0.35 J/GH (at the wall, with 25°C ambient temp)
Operating Temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C
Network Connection: Ethernet
Power Supply: 190V to 240V, 50Hz/60Hz
Certifications: FCC, CE
Dimensions: 490mm(L)*390mm(W)*180mm(H)
Weight: 17.6kg
Modular PCB design: for reliability and the ease of maintenance/repair