Using the right word can matter. Using the wrong word can matter even more. I once lost a potential gig because I used "who" instead of "whom" in a proposal letter.
选词正确至关重要,然而用错了词,就更不能忽视了。笔者曾经错失了一个潜在的演出机会,原因是我在提案里把 “whom”而误用成 “who”了
Even just one incorrectly used word--especially when you're trying to make a great impression--can ruin everything. Is that unfair? Yes... but it does happen.
To make sure that doesn't happen to you, I've collected some of the most common incorrectly used words from other posts into one epic post.
Number and amount
Use number when you can count what you refer to: "The number of subscribers who opted out increased last month." Amount refers to a quantity of something that can't be counted: "The amount of alcohol consumed at our last company picnic was staggering."
当你所指示的东西是可数的时候,使用number,“The number of subscribers who opted out increased last months.”(上个月的订阅量增加了,subscriber可数)。Amount指代不可数的东西,“The amount of alcohol consumed at out last company picnic was staggering.” (我们公司在上次野餐花费在酒精的费用实在让人大(微博)吃一惊。)
Stationary and stationery
You write on stationery. You get business stationery, such as letterhead and envelopes, printed. But that box of envelopes is not stationary unless it's not moving -- and even then it's still stationery.
你在stationery(文具)上写作。你得到商务信纸(business stationery),比如信笺抬头和信封,印有抬头的文件。但是那一箱信封并不是静止不动的(stationary),除非它被移动了,不过即使被移动了,它仍然是文具(stationery)。
Sympathy and empathy
Sympathy is acknowledging another person's feelings. "I am sorry for your loss" means you understand the other person is grieving and want to recognize that fact.
公交线路:游1路, 1路,2路, 10路, 11路, 202路,205路, 232路, 301路
选词正确至关重要,然而用错了词,就更不能忽视了。笔者曾经错失了一个潜在的演出机会,原因是我在提案里把 “whom”而误用成 “who”了
Even just one incorrectly used word--especially when you're trying to make a great impression--can ruin everything. Is that unfair? Yes... but it does happen.
To make sure that doesn't happen to you, I've collected some of the most common incorrectly used words from other posts into one epic post.
Number and amount
Use number when you can count what you refer to: "The number of subscribers who opted out increased last month." Amount refers to a quantity of something that can't be counted: "The amount of alcohol consumed at our last company picnic was staggering."
当你所指示的东西是可数的时候,使用number,“The number of subscribers who opted out increased last months.”(上个月的订阅量增加了,subscriber可数)。Amount指代不可数的东西,“The amount of alcohol consumed at out last company picnic was staggering.” (我们公司在上次野餐花费在酒精的费用实在让人大(微博)吃一惊。)
Stationary and stationery
You write on stationery. You get business stationery, such as letterhead and envelopes, printed. But that box of envelopes is not stationary unless it's not moving -- and even then it's still stationery.
你在stationery(文具)上写作。你得到商务信纸(business stationery),比如信笺抬头和信封,印有抬头的文件。但是那一箱信封并不是静止不动的(stationary),除非它被移动了,不过即使被移动了,它仍然是文具(stationery)。
Sympathy and empathy
Sympathy is acknowledging another person's feelings. "I am sorry for your loss" means you understand the other person is grieving and want to recognize that fact.
公交线路:游1路, 1路,2路, 10路, 11路, 202路,205路, 232路, 301路