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Vitamin C teaches you a simple vitamin C mask: according to the ratio of 2:1, kiwi and papaya are broken into a paste, add a small amount of vitamin C ground powder, then apply it on the face for about 15 minutes, wash with cold water net. Vitamin C is the crystallization of natural essence and advanced science. This allows the skin to absorb the vitamin C ingrents while effectively nourishing the skin. Vitamins is a gold medal in Health Products and is suitable for a wide variety of people who need vitamin C supplementation.
Vitamin C teaches you a simple vitamin C mask: according to the ratio of 2:1, kiwi and papaya are broken into a paste, add a small amount of vitamin C ground powder, then apply it on the face for about 15 minutes, wash with cold water net. Vitamin C is the crystallization of natural essence and advanced science. This allows the skin to absorb the vitamin C ingrents while effectively nourishing the skin. Vitamins is a gold medal in Health Products and is suitable for a wide variety of people who need vitamin C supplementation.