


ISO17025实验室报告ANSI UL4200A认证检测

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期待您与我联系咨询:13480686521(微信同号)咨询 ISO17025实验室报告ANSI UL4200A认证检测美国亚马逊报告
Q Q:2213430959   刘工
UL 4200A 相关问题总结
含纽扣电池的非儿童玩具的家用消费产品,上亚马逊平台或者出口到北美地区!(在儿童接触不到的环境下使用的产品不包含在内) 成品做
I Consumer product containing button cell or coin batteries means 含有纽扣电池的消费品:
A consumer product containing or designed to use one or more button cell or coin batteries, regardless ofwhether such batteries are intended to be replaced by the consumer or are included with the product orsold separately. 包含或设计为使用一个或多个纽扣电池的消费品,无论此类电池是打算由消费者更换还是包含在产品中或单独出售。
1 Scope
1.1 These requirements cover household type products that incorporate or may use button batteries orcoin cell batteries.
1.2 These requirements do not cover products that exclusively use zinc-air battery technologies
1.2A These requirements do not cover toy products that comply with battery accessibility and labelingrequirements of ASTM F963, Safety Standard for Toys.
1.3 These requirements apply to consumer products containing button balteries or coin cells batteriesThey do not apply to products that by virtue of their dedicated purpose and instructions are not intended tobe used in locations where they may be accessed by children, such as products for dedicated professionause or commercial use in locations where children are not normally or typically present.
1.4 These requirements are intended to supplement other safety requirements for products thatincorporate button batteries or coin cell batteries, and are not intended to supersede specific requirementsthat are incorporated into other safety standards to mitigate physiological hazards from button batteries orcoin cells batteries.
16 CFR1263法案对应成品(非儿童玩具或儿童专用)的测试标准是UL4200A(参考引用法案),注意区别开来!
16 CFR1263法案还包含儿童玩具类(ASTM F963)和纽扣电池单独包装售卖这两类情况!



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