Do you run out of things to talk about or always talk about superficial topics?
Daily learning (日常累积):英语+文化
Practical approach (实际步骤):选择切入点+适当扩展
How do you strike up conversations naturally with people whom you just met?
Don't memorize fixed things to say to people. That's one of the reasons your conversations are very stale and limited. Learn a useful train of thought or flow of logic.
Talk about yourself: who you're, where you're from… Build on the conversation.
总结:初次见面,聊天很简单,从自己谈起!但是别两句话结束, 多扩展一些.
“What's your name?”听起来像小学生,怎么问?
例如:Hi, I'm Jenny, and you are? 其实对方在听了你的名字后,基本上会自然地告诉你他/她的名字。
除了 "What's your job?" 如何谈工作?
如果你已经知道对方工作的行业(industry specific),可以这么问:
What company are you with?
What do you do for a living?
What kind of work do you do?
"Where are you from?"每个地方都有丰富的故事
People like to know that you're knowledgeable of where they come from.
I can meet someone from practically any corner of the world.
Some little tidbit or some little piece of information I can throw out at them. They will feel: Wow, you know where I'm from!
It will lead to very interesting and meaningful exchange.
Wrap up a conversation gracefully. 怎么自然地结束谈话?
1. 释放结束信号(Signal)
It's been really nice meeting you.
It's been a pleasure meeting you.
It's been very nice talking to you.
2. 交换联络方式 (exchange contact information)
Let's keep in touch.
Are you on WeChat?
Do you have a card?
3. 后说 (Enjoy...)
Enjoy the rest of ________.
Enjoy the rest of the/your day.
Enjoy the rest of the/your stay.
Enjoy the rest of the/your evening.
Do you run out of things to talk about or always talk about superficial topics?
Daily learning (日常累积):英语+文化
Practical approach (实际步骤):选择切入点+适当扩展
How do you strike up conversations naturally with people whom you just met?
Don't memorize fixed things to say to people. That's one of the reasons your conversations are very stale and limited. Learn a useful train of thought or flow of logic.
Talk about yourself: who you're, where you're from… Build on the conversation.
总结:初次见面,聊天很简单,从自己谈起!但是别两句话结束, 多扩展一些.
“What's your name?”听起来像小学生,怎么问?
例如:Hi, I'm Jenny, and you are? 其实对方在听了你的名字后,基本上会自然地告诉你他/她的名字。
除了 "What's your job?" 如何谈工作?
如果你已经知道对方工作的行业(industry specific),可以这么问:
What company are you with?
What do you do for a living?
What kind of work do you do?
"Where are you from?"每个地方都有丰富的故事
People like to know that you're knowledgeable of where they come from.
I can meet someone from practically any corner of the world.
Some little tidbit or some little piece of information I can throw out at them. They will feel: Wow, you know where I'm from!
It will lead to very interesting and meaningful exchange.
Wrap up a conversation gracefully. 怎么自然地结束谈话?
1. 释放结束信号(Signal)
It's been really nice meeting you.
It's been a pleasure meeting you.
It's been very nice talking to you.
2. 交换联络方式 (exchange contact information)
Let's keep in touch.
Are you on WeChat?
Do you have a card?
3. 后说 (Enjoy...)
Enjoy the rest of ________.
Enjoy the rest of the/your day.
Enjoy the rest of the/your stay.
Enjoy the rest of the/your evening.