There are actually many ways of saying no, different words express different nuance.
· Nope
Nope is a very casual way of saying no.
If you didn't have the "e" at the end, you will get "nop[nɑp]" not "nope [nəʊp]": 上次Yes里面我们说过“Yup”,现在又有了“Nope”,都可以在后面加个“p”音,只是拼写不同,不是“Nop”而是“Nope”.
"Nope" sounds more friendly and relaxed, whereas "no" can sound too strong: Nope的语气跟No相比更友善、更轻松,有时候“No”会显得太强硬。
- Adam do you wanna join me for lunch?
- No.(好像默默得罪了人的感觉。)
- Adam, do you like your lunch?
- Nope.
It's rejection after all. They are all going to be negative, but "nope" adds more positivity:其实所有的No都是拒绝,但是"nope" 可以起到缓解语气的作用。
· Nah
- Adam, do you wanna join me for lunch?
- Nah, I'd better stay in the office.
· No way/No way, Jose
No way! 也是美国人口语里超喜欢用的。相信大家都知道它的意思:没门儿不过你知道它还有一个版本吗?No way Jose! 注意Jose的读音:hoʊ'zeɪ。
为什么No way Jose?
Jose is like the "average Joe". It's a common name. It doesn't mean a particular person. It just rhymes. It's a quite cute and fun expression. But it's still strong and firm.
Jose就像“老王”, 是个满大街可见的名字,不是特指某个Jose, 主要是押韵,是个挺轻松、可爱的说法,但是依旧透着一种坚定。
Between friends朋友之间用,比如,让Adam去相亲:
- Adam, I've found a perfect girl for you. You should totally go out with her.
- Uh-uh. No way, Jose
There are actually many ways of saying no, different words express different nuance.
· Nope
Nope is a very casual way of saying no.
If you didn't have the "e" at the end, you will get "nop[nɑp]" not "nope [nəʊp]": 上次Yes里面我们说过“Yup”,现在又有了“Nope”,都可以在后面加个“p”音,只是拼写不同,不是“Nop”而是“Nope”.
"Nope" sounds more friendly and relaxed, whereas "no" can sound too strong: Nope的语气跟No相比更友善、更轻松,有时候“No”会显得太强硬。
- Adam do you wanna join me for lunch?
- No.(好像默默得罪了人的感觉。)
- Adam, do you like your lunch?
- Nope.
It's rejection after all. They are all going to be negative, but "nope" adds more positivity:其实所有的No都是拒绝,但是"nope" 可以起到缓解语气的作用。
· Nah
- Adam, do you wanna join me for lunch?
- Nah, I'd better stay in the office.
· No way/No way, Jose
No way! 也是美国人口语里超喜欢用的。相信大家都知道它的意思:没门儿不过你知道它还有一个版本吗?No way Jose! 注意Jose的读音:hoʊ'zeɪ。
为什么No way Jose?
Jose is like the "average Joe". It's a common name. It doesn't mean a particular person. It just rhymes. It's a quite cute and fun expression. But it's still strong and firm.
Jose就像“老王”, 是个满大街可见的名字,不是特指某个Jose, 主要是押韵,是个挺轻松、可爱的说法,但是依旧透着一种坚定。
Between friends朋友之间用,比如,让Adam去相亲:
- Adam, I've found a perfect girl for you. You should totally go out with her.
- Uh-uh. No way, Jose