苏州木渎外语培训 四六级翻译中的词汇积累
中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day
庙会 temple fair
重阳节 the Double-ninth Day
舞龙 dragon dance
七夕节 the Double-seventh Day
春联 spring couplets
风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen
闰年 leap year
端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival
十二生肖 zodiac
清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day
年画 (traditional) New Year pictures
踩高跷 stilt walking
阴历 Lunar calendar
灯谜 lantern riddle
压岁钱 New Year gift-money
元宵节 the Lantern Festival
元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings
花灯 festival lantern
舞狮 lion dance
春节 the Spring Festival
赛龙舟 dragon boat race
胡同 hutong
阳历 Solar calendar
中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day
庙会 temple fair
重阳节 the Double-ninth Day
舞龙 dragon dance
七夕节 the Double-seventh Day
春联 spring couplets
风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen
闰年 leap year
端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival
十二生肖 zodiac
清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day
年画 (traditional) New Year pictures
踩高跷 stilt walking
阴历 Lunar calendar
灯谜 lantern riddle
压岁钱 New Year gift-money
元宵节 the Lantern Festival
元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings
花灯 festival lantern
舞狮 lion dance
春节 the Spring Festival
赛龙舟 dragon boat race
胡同 hutong
阳历 Solar calendar