


香港公司注册 年审 做账审计 香港银行开户

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办理海外、香港、深圳公司执照及开户,年审,变更,注销,审计报告,律师公证,资信证明... 手续简单 费用低包开香港恒生、渣打、汇丰、交通、建设、星展、工银、新加坡银行 成功包开个人汇丰、渣打、恒生、中信银行 当天开户好 当天使用包开户深圳公司招商、建设银行价格美丽 需要扣Tell我收购闲置、不想经营的香港公司
Handle overseas, Hong Kong, Shenzhen Company license and Account Opening, annual review, change, cancellation, audit report, lawyer notarization, credit certificate... The procedure is simple, the fee is low, and you can open an account with Hang Seng Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC, communications, construction, DBS, ICBC and Bank of Singapore, on the same day, I opened an account with Bao in Shenzhen Company. The price of CCB is very beautiful. You need to deduct Tell me to buy the idle Hong Kong company

Foreigners may also open offshore accounts for Hong Kong companies. Foreigners working in China, either resident in China or residing in the country of their nationality, may entrust tenglian commercial agent to register the company and successfully open an account

注册公司提交资料,一个要注册的公司名称,海外客户的护照和地址证明(地址证明可以是常驻国家也可以是国籍所在国),只要不是敏感国籍都可接受开户,一方面如果常驻地址中国,通常中国和香港均可接受开户,若是常驻地是在海外,中国银行为了规避风险通常不予开户,但香港可开户Registration of a company, name of the company to be registered, passport and address proof of overseas clients (address proof can be either the country of permanent residence or the country of nationality) , as long as it is not a sensitive nationality is acceptable for opening an account, on the one hand, if the resident address is China, usually China and Hong Kong are acceptable to open an account. If the resident address is overseas, the Bank of China usually does not open an account in order to avoid risks, but Hong Kong can open an account


Hong Kong company registration, annual audit, do accounts, tax returns, bank accounts


Teng Lian Business Secretary (Hong Kong) Co. , Ltd. is a professional engaged in Hong Kong, Bvi , the United Kingdom, Seychelles, the United States, Cayman, Singapore and other companies registered and annual review, domestic and foreign trademark registration, accounting audit, notarization and other one-stop business services

香港公司注册 年审 银行开户 商标注册 国外商标注

Hong Kong company registration, Annual Review, Bank Account Opening, trademark registration, foreign trademarks


TENGLIAN GROUP MAIN BUSINESS: REGISTERED COMPANIES: REGISTERED COMPANIES: Shenzhen, group, Financial Leasing, foreign capital, sino-foreign joint ventures, Hong Kong, overseas


LICENSE FOR TRANSFER OF PRIVATE EQUITY: equity, Business start-up, securities, other, registration, issuance of products, winding-up


Transfer companies: finance, assets, investment, jewelry, commercial factoring, financial leasing, technology, trade


Business: small-scale, General Taxpayers, Hongkong HSBC Hang Seng and other transfers, companies and individuals to open accounts


Financial and tax agents: Bookkeeping, tax filing, sorting out old accounts, tax problems, application for general taxpayers


COMPANY CAPITAL VERIFICATION: 100,000-1 billion capital verification, capital increase, capital supplement, capital reduction


Handle all kinds of documents: customs, finance lease, private equity license, visiting license plate, food and beverage, health


Business Change: address, name, shareholders, legal person, supervisor, registered capital, business scope


Company Urgent: Urgent Registration, urgent about, urgent change the same day out of the license, etc.


Intellectual Property Protection, trademark application, trademark change, patent, annual report, audit, tax audit, change, extension, cancellation


Transfer of all kinds of companies that are not registered: financial, asset and wealth, real estate, investment, and so on


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