4、在线定 位:家人可以直接对用户的行踪进行跟踪,确认其状态。以便出现问题在时间进行解决。
为此,各行各业都在针对各单一需求进行了详细的app定制,以上是我整理的代驾app开发解决方案,想开发代驾APP可以找我咨询,多年软件开发经验一站式互联网解决方案。更多资讯详情联系找【张经理:147微4934电3384】 "Hmmm…" he mused as he quickly finished. "It seems I'm going to have totamper with your memory."Before I could react, he pulled me from the Jeep and set my feet on theground. It was barely misting now; Alice was going to be right.
"Tamper with my memory?" I asked nervously.
"Something like that." He was watching me intently, carefully, but therewas humor deep in his eyes. He placed his hands against the Jeep oneither side of my head and leaned forward, forcing me to press backagainst the door. He leaned in even closer, his face inches from mine. Ihad no room to escape.
"Now," he breathed, and just his smell disturbed my thought processes,"what exactly are you worrying about?""Well, um, hitting a tree —" I gulped "— and dying. And then gettingsick."He fought back a smile. Then he bent his head down and touched his coldlips softly to the hollow at the base of my throat.
"Are you still worried now?" he murmured against my skin.
4、在线定 位:家人可以直接对用户的行踪进行跟踪,确认其状态。以便出现问题在时间进行解决。
为此,各行各业都在针对各单一需求进行了详细的app定制,以上是我整理的代驾app开发解决方案,想开发代驾APP可以找我咨询,多年软件开发经验一站式互联网解决方案。更多资讯详情联系找【张经理:147微4934电3384】 "Hmmm…" he mused as he quickly finished. "It seems I'm going to have totamper with your memory."Before I could react, he pulled me from the Jeep and set my feet on theground. It was barely misting now; Alice was going to be right.
"Tamper with my memory?" I asked nervously.
"Something like that." He was watching me intently, carefully, but therewas humor deep in his eyes. He placed his hands against the Jeep oneither side of my head and leaned forward, forcing me to press backagainst the door. He leaned in even closer, his face inches from mine. Ihad no room to escape.
"Now," he breathed, and just his smell disturbed my thought processes,"what exactly are you worrying about?""Well, um, hitting a tree —" I gulped "— and dying. And then gettingsick."He fought back a smile. Then he bent his head down and touched his coldlips softly to the hollow at the base of my throat.
"Are you still worried now?" he murmured against my skin.