1.2 Verification Decision, Non-conformities and corrective actions 验证决定,不合规项和纠正措施
CUC shall take verification decisions within 15 days from the date of closing meeting.
CUC 应在闭幕会议之日起 15 日内作出验证决定。
CUC shall notify Organizations of any non-conformities (i.e. failure to meet a requirement of the requirements).
CUC 应将任何的不合规项告知组织(即:未能满足要求的内容)。
Minor non-conformity: 轻度不合规项:
it is a temporary lapse, or it is unusual/non-systematic, or
the impacts of the non-conformity are limited in their temporal and spatial scale, and
it does not result in a fundamental failure to achieve the objective of the relevant indicator or another applicable certification requirement.
Minor non-conformities shall be corrected within one (1) year (under exceptional circumstances within two (2) years).
Major non-conformity: 重大不合规项:
A non-compliance shall be considered major if, either alone or in combination with further non-conformities, it results in, or is likely to result in a fundamental failure:
如果其单独或与其他不合规项一起导致或可能致使下述内容无法达成,则此不合规项应被视为重大不合规 项:
to achieve the objective of the relevant requirement of the relevant indicator, or
in a significant part of the applied management system.
The cumulative impact of a number of minor NC’s may represent a fundamental failure or total breakdown of a system and thus constitute a major NC.
许多轻微 NC 的累积影响可能代表着系统的根本故障或全部故障,因此也构成了重大 NC。 Fundamental failure is indicated by non-conformity which:
continues over a long period of time, or
is repeated or systematic, or
affects a wide area and/or causes significant damage, or
is indicated by the absence or a total breakdown of a system, or
is not corrected or adequately responded to by the client once identified.
Major non-conformities shall be corrected within three (3) months (under exceptional circumstances within six (6) months).
The occurrence of five (5) or more major non-conformities in one surveillance audit shall be considered as a total breakdown of the certificate holder’s management system and in those cases the certificate shall be suspended
一次审核中出现五(5)个或更多重大不合规项,应视为该组织管理体系的彻底崩溃,在这种情况下,应暂 停发行交易证书。
Observations: 观察项:
The early stages of a problem which do not of itself constitute a non-conformity, but which the auditor considers may lead to a future non-conformity if not addressed by the organization. Therefore an observation concerns a warning signal on a particular issue that, if not addressed, could turn into an NC in the future.
处于问题的早期阶段,其本身并不构成不合规项,但审核员认为,如果组织不加以解决,未来可能会导致 不合规项的出现。因此,观察项是某个特定问题的警告信号,如果不解决该问题,将来可能会变成 NC。
The Organization shall submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) describing operational changes to become in compliance with the verification requirements to CUC.
组织应向 CUC 提交一份纠正行动计划(CAP),描述为符合验证要求而进行的操作变更。 1.3 Issuance of Transaction Certificates (TCs)交易证书的签发
An Organization shall be considered verified when they have undergone an on-site or off-site assessment and been determined by the CUC to operate in accordance with the requirements of this verification protocol.
当一个组织经过现场或线上验证,并由 CUC 确认其符合本验证方案的要求,则该组织应被视为通过验证。
Transaction Certificates (TCs) are issued by CUC to verify sustainable viscose products. Verified Organizations purchasing claimed material shall receive and maintain valid TCs for all incoming sustainable viscose products purchased.
交易证书(TCs)是由 CUC 颁发的,用于证明黏胶产品的可持续性。采购要求材料的认证组织应接收并保持所 有购入的可持续粘胶产品的有效 TCs。
CUC shall take verification decisions within 15 days from the date of closing meeting.
CUC 应在闭幕会议之日起 15 日内作出验证决定。
CUC shall notify Organizations of any non-conformities (i.e. failure to meet a requirement of the requirements).
CUC 应将任何的不合规项告知组织(即:未能满足要求的内容)。
Minor non-conformity: 轻度不合规项:
it is a temporary lapse, or it is unusual/non-systematic, or
the impacts of the non-conformity are limited in their temporal and spatial scale, and
it does not result in a fundamental failure to achieve the objective of the relevant indicator or another applicable certification requirement.
Minor non-conformities shall be corrected within one (1) year (under exceptional circumstances within two (2) years).
Major non-conformity: 重大不合规项:
A non-compliance shall be considered major if, either alone or in combination with further non-conformities, it results in, or is likely to result in a fundamental failure:
如果其单独或与其他不合规项一起导致或可能致使下述内容无法达成,则此不合规项应被视为重大不合规 项:
to achieve the objective of the relevant requirement of the relevant indicator, or
in a significant part of the applied management system.
The cumulative impact of a number of minor NC’s may represent a fundamental failure or total breakdown of a system and thus constitute a major NC.
许多轻微 NC 的累积影响可能代表着系统的根本故障或全部故障,因此也构成了重大 NC。 Fundamental failure is indicated by non-conformity which:
continues over a long period of time, or
is repeated or systematic, or
affects a wide area and/or causes significant damage, or
is indicated by the absence or a total breakdown of a system, or
is not corrected or adequately responded to by the client once identified.
Major non-conformities shall be corrected within three (3) months (under exceptional circumstances within six (6) months).
The occurrence of five (5) or more major non-conformities in one surveillance audit shall be considered as a total breakdown of the certificate holder’s management system and in those cases the certificate shall be suspended
一次审核中出现五(5)个或更多重大不合规项,应视为该组织管理体系的彻底崩溃,在这种情况下,应暂 停发行交易证书。
Observations: 观察项:
The early stages of a problem which do not of itself constitute a non-conformity, but which the auditor considers may lead to a future non-conformity if not addressed by the organization. Therefore an observation concerns a warning signal on a particular issue that, if not addressed, could turn into an NC in the future.
处于问题的早期阶段,其本身并不构成不合规项,但审核员认为,如果组织不加以解决,未来可能会导致 不合规项的出现。因此,观察项是某个特定问题的警告信号,如果不解决该问题,将来可能会变成 NC。
The Organization shall submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) describing operational changes to become in compliance with the verification requirements to CUC.
组织应向 CUC 提交一份纠正行动计划(CAP),描述为符合验证要求而进行的操作变更。 1.3 Issuance of Transaction Certificates (TCs)交易证书的签发
An Organization shall be considered verified when they have undergone an on-site or off-site assessment and been determined by the CUC to operate in accordance with the requirements of this verification protocol.
当一个组织经过现场或线上验证,并由 CUC 确认其符合本验证方案的要求,则该组织应被视为通过验证。
Transaction Certificates (TCs) are issued by CUC to verify sustainable viscose products. Verified Organizations purchasing claimed material shall receive and maintain valid TCs for all incoming sustainable viscose products purchased.
交易证书(TCs)是由 CUC 颁发的,用于证明黏胶产品的可持续性。采购要求材料的认证组织应接收并保持所 有购入的可持续粘胶产品的有效 TCs。