天津商标注册王老师 Q Q 9 5 7 7 0 9 5 8 3 !!! 机构下发资格证书持证上岗,专业从业多年,着力解决注册疑难,下征率高达98%。 天津商标注册、天津商标续展、天津商标变更、天津商标转让、天津商标许可备案欧盟商标、英国商标、美国商标、法国商标、日本商标等;专利申请、专利加急办理:涉及计算机软件、化学、生物、医药、纺织等领域;境外公司注册:专业注册香港公司、美国公司、英国公司、维尔京公司、开曼公司、海外公司 ,变更、年审、报税、开设离岸账户、商务秘书服务等; 天津版权代理,软件著作权等 "Trademark registered teacher Wang in Tianjin" professional for several years, is a teacher to provide services such as trademark registration, patent application, overseas company registration, business registration for customers .After several years of unremitting efforts, teacher Wang has provided a full range of integrated services for hundreds of enterprises outside the city and mound, the quality of business services is located in the forefront in the same industry of Tianjin. Company service scope is as follows: Low risk of trademark registration: application, alteration, transfer, renewal, licensing for the record, dissent application and defense, dismiss the reexamination, trademark monitoring, trademark disputes, tort litigation, etc.; Preferential international trademark registration: Hong Kong registered trademarks, Madrid trademark, the trademark, the trademark, the United States, Japan, France a trademark logo, etc.; Patent application, patent express processing: involving computer software, chemistry, biology, medicine, textile and other fields; Overseas company registration: profes