Loctite 1174633 乐泰Nonflam
Loctite 1174633 乐泰Nonflammable electrical contact cleaner
Loctite 1174633Loctite® Nonflammable Electrical Contact Cleaner, removes grease, oil, and contaminants from electrical parts to prevent contact failure. Fast evaporating, dries residue -free in seconds. 联系方式:022-27698485 4006062818 Non-conductive, non-corrosive, non-flammable. Contains no CFCs or Class I ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs). Contains HCFC-141b. May attack some sensitive plastics. VOC compliant in all 50 states
Loctite 1174633Loctite® Nonflammable Electrical Contact Cleaner, removes grease, oil, and contaminants from electrical parts to prevent contact failure. Fast evaporating, dries residue -free in seconds. 联系方式:022-27698485 4006062818 Non-conductive, non-corrosive, non-flammable. Contains no CFCs or Class I ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs). Contains HCFC-141b. May attack some sensitive plastics. VOC compliant in all 50 states