励志美文:当你真正爱上工作 成功就不远了
Considering how much time most adults will spend in the workplace over the course of their lives (an estimated 25-30 years), it doesn't take much of a stretch to surmise a person’s choice of career plays a significant role in their sense of happiness.
I believe a fulfilling career is something you have the power to create, moment by moment, year by year, and decade by decade. Just as success rarely happens overnight, deriving a healthy amount of satisfaction from the work that you do requires the right mindset.
I recently read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. She shares her wisdom regarding the choice each of us has between saying yes or no when inspiration strikes. She writes about clearing out obstacles which are preventing you from living your most creative life, understanding that "whatever is bad for you is probably also bad for your work."
我近读了伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特的书《大魔术》(Big Magic),她分享了一些关于我们每个人在突发灵感时的明智之选究竟是采纳还是拒绝。她写道,你要阻碍你生活充满创造力的障碍,你要明白,“对你没好处的东西可能对你的工作也没有裨益。”
I believe a fulfilling career is something you have the power to create, moment by moment, year by year, and decade by decade. Just as success rarely happens overnight, deriving a healthy amount of satisfaction from the work that you do requires the right mindset.
I recently read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. She shares her wisdom regarding the choice each of us has between saying yes or no when inspiration strikes. She writes about clearing out obstacles which are preventing you from living your most creative life, understanding that "whatever is bad for you is probably also bad for your work."
我近读了伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特的书《大魔术》(Big Magic),她分享了一些关于我们每个人在突发灵感时的明智之选究竟是采纳还是拒绝。她写道,你要阻碍你生活充满创造力的障碍,你要明白,“对你没好处的东西可能对你的工作也没有裨益。”